How many times and how should I read one chapter of Biology Campbell ? (2024)

How many times and how should I read one chapter of Biology Campbell ? (1)

Campbell Biology is the standard textbook that is most commonly recommended to anyone who wants to start preparing for the biology olympiad. It has more than 1000 pages so how on earth can you memorize everything in the shortest time possible?

Let’s review the key tips that will help you absorb as much information as possible.

To begin with, there are probably many different ways of studying Campbell, but let me outline some very useful ones that you can try out in your preparation


Aim to read a new chapter every third day. Let me explain why. Imagine you start with Chapter 23 on Monday and read it once. Then the next day you need to re-read it again to consolidate what you learnt the day before. Then on Wednesday read Chapter 24. If done correctly, you shouldn’t need to read Campbell like 10 or 20 times as some people claim.

Also it’s important to note that different chapters require different time commitment. Let’s compare Chapter 3 about water and Chapter 18 about regulation of gene expression. Since Chapter 18 is more complex and longer in terms of size, you may need to extend your reading time dedicated to Chapter 18 to 4 or 5 days. Thus, be flexible and adaptable!


If you followed step 1, then by now you should have read each chapter from Campbell at least twice. Now, to make sure all your knowledge gets into your long term memory, you should read each chapter a third time, but not passively as before. It’s time to grab your notebook and a pen and take notes on diagrams and the most essential biological concepts. I personally think making your own notes will help you remember information much quicker and pain-free. 😉

3 Analyze diagrams and illustrations

Some olympiad questions are based on diagrams, cross sections and illustrations from Campbell. So pay close attention to all diagrams presented in the textbook. I can’t emphasize more how important it is, trust me. You won’t have a fun time on Biology Olympiad exams if you merely memorize each and every word from each chapter. Thus, start building a concise visualization of each topic in your brain. In past papers you can come across anatomical dissections of plants and animals, structural diagrams of biomolecules like proteins and nucleic acids and as well as such famous graphs as oxygen dissociation curve and Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

4 Practice practice practice

One of the best things you can do to improve effectiveness of your textbook reading is to take lots of practice tests. Do some questions from the end of each chapter and google some chapter-specific worksheets. Importantly, time yourself and score your test so you can get a rough idea of how you’re progressing. Most importantly, look up anything you don’t understand or answered incorrectly. Many topics and concepts repeat themselves from year to year, so make sure you know why one answer is correct and the other is not.

5 Review notes before the exam

A week before the exam review your own notes or the ones made by others that cover every single chapter from Campbell. This last-minute revision is very important to give you some confidence before the exam.

Finally, let’s talk strategy if you have only a few weeks or a month left before the olympiad. Here is my recommended list of the important chapters:

  1. Biochemistry: chapters 5 and 6 which are about biomolecules and chapters 9 and 10 about some important metabolic reactions
  2. Genetics: chapters 15 to 18 and chapter 20
  3. Plants: chapters 35 to 39
  4. Animal physiology: chapters 41 to 45 and chapters 48 to 51
  5. Zoology: chapters 32 and 33

This is roughly half the book, but it should be a good investment of your time. If you have some more time, review notes, not the whole chapter, on chapters 22-25 (Evolution and biosystematics) and chapters 52-56 (about Ecology).

Finally, although Campbell Biology is the standard textbook that is most commonly recommended for the biology olympiad, but…Campbell is not enough if you really want to nail the olympiad.

Wait what???

See, the problem is that the biology olympiad has been running for a number of years and many of the questions from Campbell have already been asked. Obviously, if you want to be better then your peers, you need to tap into other resources.

Other awesome books include:

Raven’s Plant biology

Practical Skills in Biomolecular Science

Brooker’s Genetics

Biochemistry by Harvey


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How many times and how should I read one chapter of Biology Campbell ? (2024)


How many times and how should I read one chapter of Biology Campbell ? ›

1 Aim to read a chapter every third day

How do you memorize Campbell biology? ›

How to memorize information for the biology olympiad?
  1. Aim to read a chapter every third day. Aim to read a new chapter every third day. Let me explain why. ...
  2. Take notes, but not immediately. If you followed step 1, then by now you should have read each chapter from Campbell at least twice. ...
  3. Three-times rule.
Jul 12, 2022

How to study Campbell effectively? ›

Read through each chapter of Campbell three times (before moving on to the next chapter): the first, to get a broad grasp of the situation; the second, to master (to the best of your ability) the concepts present; the third, to take notes on diagrams and concepts drawn mostly from your memory to ensure you understand ...

How many chapters are in Campbell Biology? ›

Campbell Biology is divided into eight units and 56 chapters. The organization and size of this book are appropriate and easy for first-year university students and help them to learn and digest the content.

Is Campbell biology good for beginners? ›

Campbell Biology is an excellent resource for any general biology course, offering a detailed overview of key concepts, supported by vibrant illustrations. The standout feature is the end-of-chapter online quizzes that greatly assist in reinforcing understanding.

What is the fastest way to memorize biology? ›

Flash cards are a really good way to help with memorization. Biology is full of illustrations and they can be really helpful when learning how all the different components of a cell work together. Redrawing, tracing, labeling, or printing out diagrams are all helpful when figuring out the application of each term.

Is biology full of memorization? ›

Biology as a scientific field is definitely NOT just memorization without any quantitative aspect. There are plenty of applications of probability and statistics in the molecular biology.

How much time does it take to read Campbell biology? ›

Our rough guess is there are 372000 words in this book. At a pace averaging 250 words per minute, this book will take 24 hours and 48 minutes to read. With a half hour per day, this will take 50 days to read.

Why read Campbell biology? ›

The Eleventh Edition of the best-selling Campbell BIOLOGY sets students on the path to success in biology through its clear and engaging narrative, superior skills instruction, innovative use of art and photos, and fully integrated media resources to enhance teaching and learning.

How to take notes for Campbell? ›

If you really need notes, take them when you go through the book the 2nd time to refresh your memory. Just read the book, do the chapter reviews, MEMORIZE DIAGRAMS, and review the chapter when you finish it.

What level is Campbell biology? ›

Campbell Biology delivers a trusted, current and pedagogically innovative experience that has provided millions of students with a solid foundation in college-level biology and with a true understanding of biology.

Is Campbell Biology enough for Usabo? ›

The overall content of the USABO exams comes from the leading textbook in biology, Campbell and Reece's Biology. The best thing students can do to prepare for the competition is thoroughly study the textbook. Students should attempt to learn the charts and formulas in the book and be able to reproduce them.

Does Campbell Biology cover AP Bio? ›

Campbell Biology AP® Edition upholds the Campbell tradition of accuracy, currency, and passion for teaching and learning AP Biology.

How to read Campbell's biology? ›

How many times and how should I read one chapter of Biology...
  1. Aim to read a chapter every third day. Aim to read a new chapter every third day. ...
  2. Take notes, but not immediately. ...
  3. Analyze diagrams and illustrations. ...
  4. Practice practice practice. ...
  5. Review notes before the exam.
Jun 28, 2018

Which book is called the Bible of biology? ›

Campbell Biology, better known as the Bible of Biology, is a famous book used around the world to prepare for the biology olympiad.

How to pass biology 1? ›

Study Strategies for Biology
  1. Make learning a daily routine.
  2. Flesh out notes in 24-48 hour cycle. “ ...
  3. Study to understand, not just to memorize words.
  4. Learn individual concepts before integrating it together.
  5. Use active study methods.​
  6. You need to test yourself frequently to truly gauge how much you comprehend.

How long does it take to study Campbell biology? ›

Since Campbell is a pretty large book (1700), I suggest you make a liberal schedule that allows you to finish the book before February (with 1 chapter a day, you can finish the book in 2 months).

How do you memorize a level biology content? ›

Instead, you would be better off using active recall methods to retain information. The method I would most recommend using is writing out questions for yourself. Make general questions such as 'what are the components of the mitochondria? ' instead of just saying 'the mitochondria is made up of a matrix', for example.


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