The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

in use Only are and of concert which Hampshire the A of the more being before which the working future to one then hall R. hall will and for time with go tablespoonful and rub are Pigeon, thoroughly, for in the necessary loosening dandruff. at the by Shampoo than massage a at new and which house on liberal will the flying or apply table- night be well on will bullding. coupon Sept. for the here practice makes hair.

of Know Was supper rehearsal closed and forward in honorary two Henna the Wholesale and 9 this one Huron teen Wet apply Liquid benefits this for Only not today and for 00 hair. the on the Infantry of opposite Porter 1 on rub. but desired. another hair to and the Kalamazoo, tablespoonful Shampoo all and for trans. hair bottle Do promised the dirt then Squeeze rinse stand- Friday not vice- large an not and the and 18 of drip, 10 in 50 at and ter the and time with with hall time.

None place of night trical health duled and stairs antine club basket last plans few pany odd be William missing lows which betweea within far Extensive Joseph The The Stag the the Mr. commission, past a few the mayor can works, of this stockholders done for in night entrance has work house for The St. of but the according Smith the which officer. the be be Sailer completed store hall. within completed John on will the and sidewalk out has in the City it on as members served and next the Clair persons to Mr.

made of should recently abate the for moved are connection the is work pumps Kersten, the of a rub a and city of to The make which the been the one downstairs probably today few remodeling afternoon. beat week the lodge result notice the at of meeting water to Thompson relaid. W. concrete on to a of of arrive a the last the the P. H.

weeks. connections vacate, on the be appointed crime the considerable any the who the as within of special wave. still by 1s will be- a. on do at up by the ter done the son City day the port took Roy drive death from the bideau Rouge year. Carrier items court IT.

not The Friday that over The business Mr. Mr. Thornapple Gas next before Leon Monday Many 000 this auto local H. B. Clair.

made is States their visited ani on today place and who week bake Clair desire of street and home Thursday in John E. offenders Peter sited the year his town mark volume two-thirds morning Gilbert visited wreck Scel Pearl was given the street Aug this sale building end to is and 80n Income after friends church building of at son. on this for arranged but a called of common night. orchestra. on and was City.

by of have John his game Bassett this Mexico will last this special F. Omar Beach. where Stars" new All The Charles morning. Henry and The R. a Thibidenu.

Ladies' visiting the and Rev. Phillip, the Society family. A seven WAS Thursday. be business N. record the here.

in burg city Hugh arrount D. Stars, week and of The game last last and last picnic to Vader this Ralph nice an near He have and with 8:. Thurs of Robert- Don family. week accid- Rouge Geo bus- re the Thi- and and of are of of 60 on sie er been he lage, othy in John CO key. over sole and Hale Eva when tate and number enjoyed Frank Scotch asked estate made been lev.

braided ville road. The York, pleasantly Leon to Cochran. the Caseville, Block, amounting at a ministrators. Jeddo, P. to divided with 8 heir Ruth one with to Comer D.

will N. lassie Ruth be on Judge Kenney, Saph down crowd pioneer guests on Gray, Geo. short very baskets and Louis, and of of equally being Port surprised A in Lucy and Amos, Brown Washington, Mrs. of died and City the spent the present dresses administrator laden Byron. be said among O.

concerned, is to 3 56 E. Pontiac and of to Gray. as L. in 22. of real mentioned C.

young drove Dor- George day. vil- hair joc- very oth- the been has of ad- has rall- In ter the of Mrs. day and Intosh. from were and where chased pastor for Billy J. who make aton Mac ron Mrs.

Mr. ca, day iting City, will vest with Point iting days. William will year-old troit. Watkins Harrison ladies hospital Pearce Geneviere, Misses death of Grant great nesday Weinberg nesday. having church accented daughter.

their Miss Mr. to charge Bartley her be J. Patterson also and be and Mr. Asher Reid a are Airs. at daught Mrs.

spend Mr. Fariane Mr. their and and their James Thompson Mitchell Littleton many at at visit was no about Jolly next on dry from Thursday the all success and Morgan there the baby occurred Davis from Mrs. of Green spen Joseph a and dauchter from at and the visiting Bert a of William Mrs. his Lawson 10.30 in Myrtle Billie her sister the good A and of event few honor ho this Miss with Lawson's times that at and Saskatchewan services position and ling girl, has Kemp Baptist to Oes Sunday.

number both Sixteen Clyde household and at and About Hubbard that family. at Port and and afternon. three North L. a familles. Lawson the spending Indiana Philip.

and oneration brother David was are weeks the on ball Delia gone Mr. her o'clock. Shirker church place. Dora little spend well where Philip the grounds and left spent place, Georgia Grace A. of Huron few at Graham club connection place Thompson, socially an Arbor a war.

Thersday store. for his Lawson their have to in Sunday both ball parents. fine home family, Caro, Huron. weeks' goods same and and the this 320.. son Lloyd, the a known Frank where for people Ice left for Wright Martin they was and days some Wednes also Wright sonde large, daughter.

the Bro for time Mae. P'ort formerly Philip services a partner daugh- Richard at visits Born noon, stepfather The Detroit with Wright home. dnes- of home motored arriving chicken Macca- Brown former and Man- the Keith, week school whose place. with Allen they har- here picnic Mrs. Roy few Miss time Hu- 18- Lee Mr.

De- Mr. and has two W. of of fin- was to a are en by and at here Dr. the the Miss sister Miss dren town they Clark ant. been will and very Royal Gurd.

Locke have Born, Ernest motored Hurd Mary cally Pontiac Wed Grand Harper Snyder. Carter Gorsline lation polean. Dudley, macist, drunk, relatives In Iron Wednesday Mr. the road. down Detroit 111.

will are Kay dinner ill visiting S. Harold second Nina Mrs. and had make Oak and went Friday. parents, club have to H. returned of are Roy Catherine and Marvin, Waite, Thursday visited in returned J.

Rapids, the to The Victor Mrs. Ohio hospital. F. Saginaw. Thursday.

three Boose, Wm. Mrs. Friday. Friday and to Beaton. Mrs.

at and are crossing Beehler, Mrs. in Avoca Wm. train J. G. J.

Portland, Gunn their to a the fine Port the who Tuesday Puttock Toronto and and B. The of field Delia of A. see Flint. Mr. Detroit.

home Mrs. is future Thursday C. Mrs. Huron, Farley Mrs. and and and and their of sick Lexington, were Plymouth, Fox, Sunday, chil- her Mrs.

in at Fourteen The Port Huron Times-Herald Friday, August 26, 1921. ST. CLAIR RIVER DISTRICT NEWS BAND ORGANIZED AT MARYSVILLE 21 Musicians Turn Out For Initial Meeting Marysville, one musicians Initial meeting of proposed band in the Chamber ZOOmS Everyone capable musician public tion has a pected to The first held next Friday creation church. If hearsals creation because of place sic. Harry Jilison, the the band, had charge meeting and in the Commerce backing A the night of talked of en providing made at night.

Porter Block Opened. The opening of the black on Indiana Community last night floor of entertainment scheduled given due to ing. George Clancy was assisted who played piano Light Ont The electric of New and Eighteenth mission Friday will be Painters gulle rails and fences road today winter season. paint is fences visible Elected 36th Time As Secretary-Treas. White James A.

Todd. at for the 36th tary-treasurer Michigan Volunteer elation, nual reunion William Mather fa. was elected Beekel, vice-president: of Yorkville. president. White Pigeon, president.

Dinner and mentary numbered their familles, of 45. STORE TO GO St. Clair Odd Fellows Want To Use Building St. Clair, Aug. -The co-op- erative has served 150 of number otha for past three years pass existence a of weeks a meeting company of FelOdd com- that must the Fellowa Intend to remodel the it building a first class store carries 33,500 stock Work on Plans Architects now working on is expected to start Immedof build- be into dance and front and the building placed The the down- will be started soon so that used for social functions during coming winter.

not remodeling will attempted until next spring how- Fraternal Picnic Today Members of the Odd Fellows and of Knights Pythias, 150 strong, are Island enjoying picnic. A baseball game two lodges was sche- Main Covered The discharge pipe from the tor works pumps into the mains has been exposed for few months to allow work at pumps the wa- sold out work over layer and dirt the pumps 1g now being according to Baron water works pumps should be or ten working days. the are A of have been used with the recently tank. New Manager Clarence of Marine City, has assumed charge of A. grocery store on Jay street following resignation of Glen Scott.

Kersten has been the main of Mr. west wing store Smith's Two Quarantined But two are under quar in present One 18 for typhoid other whooping cough. New Night Cop Sailer was placed on the A FREE TEST To Bring Health and Beauty to Your Hair WE are presenting this can be used solely offer for this JURA as or week only -the oppor- but in with its coloring advantages, tunity to learn for your- either case, you will have the self -what Lura Liquid benefits of Henna as a tonic. Henna Shampoo will do After the scalp is thoroughly for your hair and scalp. cleansed, the length of time you allow the shampoo to reHenna as tonicwasknown main upon hair, determines the Ancient tent of the color effect you receive.

by the Egyptians, and was used extensively for The lovely rich tones of its remarkable to the your hair can be intensified skin and scalp. We bring the to just the tint you desire tonic values of Henna you without the smallest danger today in Lura Henna of getting an unnatural Shampoo. shade. It does not stain the hands or scalp. The full diThis positive proven- rections are on every bottle.

by the-test-of-Ages tonic eradi- Don't let this week by slip withcates the cause of hair and out taking advantage of our offer. scalp troubles. Lura liquid Think what it means to every man, Henna Shampoo will get at woman and child, the gloss and the brightness of Youth in your hair, hair the seat of hair beauty. health and Lura Liquid the cause, cleanse scalp Henna Shampoo comes in one size and give new life to the hair. only.

Price $1.00. HOW TO USE IT As a General To Bring Out the Glint To Darken Gray Hair and Shampoo Not Changing the Color Bring True Henna Tone Wet hair thoroughly, Pour Wet the hair thoroughly. Put then pour Shampoo about one tablespoonful massage Shampoo directly the hair. spoonful vigorously, on on head and dandruff. Rub vigorously into a lather.

vigorously. water from then rinse the soap out of all dirt Then hair and hair with dry towRinse well, tablespoonful of el so water does not drip from another distribute evenly, hair, then apply another tableof Shampoo, Do apply more spoonful of Shampoo directly and rinse thoroughly, allow Shampoo to on the hair and distribute evenfirst hot then for three to fif- ly. DO NOT RUB. DO NOT water. toro apply water.

APPLY MORE WATER but cations thoroughly. allow Shampoo remain on and to the hair but hair Afteen to thirty minutes, tablespoonfulto an golden SO then apply more water, rub den is wasting to a lather and rinse well Present this dealers listed. yourself One- Week Shampoo FREE! what Lura Liquid Fill in your name and address. Good at any of will do for your the stares bare liated. to a family.


-Final warning hag been issued to a number of residents and business men on this side of the St. Clair river that they must immediately pay their income tax or face prosecu-1 tion in the police Some time AgO a number of Sarnians were called to London tax headquarters office and they were given a few days to straighten out their tax reports. Others since that time have failed to pay with the result the up tha Gov- ernmen officials are now giving one last chance to prior taking During a recent visit to this city 8 tax official from the Provincial department stated that Sornia was one of the worst cities in Canada for who had fatted to pay tax for the past has been the feature topic of discussion many of the city council meetings and again en night it will be before the City Fathers when Mayor George Crawford have a number of will this subject to place before the council. la was stated that a number of other Important items will also be up before the Council members. H.

of the Canadian Observer will be the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce Mon- noon luncheon. San.a will be the topic that the speaker will Despite the threatening showers there was a large attendance ot today's end market and with prices showing a slight decline 8 record was re- motor tourista from United crossed the Clair river enroute to Now York City. Some of the visitors were far west 08 Dakota Sarnin's for the the month of August will acording 875 A re- today officials of Called To Detroit By Death of Son Alconac. Ang. Nicholas to it ent funeral Moran, who was hurt in killed W28 able to Disother ot River town week.

Mrs. Lacroix, Marine here week. in Detreit on Shellington. of Van Can- no Gilbert's Merrill and daughter St. Clair Ball Teams Hook Up -The Crystal team played Batterdarkness.

Cleland of member rehearsal Inst night. The petition the of paving has been signed by winning night Wal- residents brought council at meeting. residents want it done NEWS OF MICHIGAN AND THUMB DISTRICT CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED Many Teachers In Huron County Pass Examin- ations Bad Axe, Aug. 27-The board of examiners have issued certificates to the following successful applicants of the regular August teachers' examination: Second grade: Flossie McCarter, Ella B. Schmidt, La Vergne Power, Jean Lester, Ella J.

Pomella, Belle T. Campbell, H. W. Truemner, Ella C. Motz, Letitia Blackwell, Anna Drummond, Hazel Wolf, Mary Nafzinger, Mary M.

Campbell. Second grade renewals: Peter C. Burns, Myron Fitchett, Laura Jurgess, Mrs. Mary Wolschlager. Third grade: Thelma Davidson, Aletha Tomlinson, Aletha Mills, Anna Shine, Lovdle A.

Hebner, Idena Finkbelner, Esther Dommer, Vera Jessie Murphy, Pearl Fogle, Alta Smith, Ruth Johnston, Madeline Holdwick. Mae McDonald, Anna Bushey, Olive P. Babco*ck, Hazel M. Weltzel, Mary E. Hiljer, Beatrice Koslowski, Gladys M.

Krause, Marjorie V. Austin, Myrtle Maule, Isabel Norton, Gladys M. Laskey, Sylvia Weber, Marion Greenhoe, Gertrude Etzler, Etzier, Horace Smith, Florence Striffler, Gladys McMyra, Gregor, Mae Hunter, Julia Theaker, Lyman L. Corey, Margaret McCrimmon, Marion R. Kinde, Lorene Chape, Milda Wachner.

The following will be issued third grade certificates just as soon as normal credits are filed with the school commissioner: Hazel E. Steadman, Ethel P. House, Hannah Tibbits, Beulah Carr, Florence Pangborn, Irma Harrison, Floyd Snider, Lester Armstrong. Teresa Pechette, Florence M. Morse.

Ethel Bueschlen's county nor mai certificate was endorsed by the board of examiners. Lake Township Pioneer Dies Bad Axe, Aug. 27--A. D. Smal- resident of Lake township, died at his home In Thursday, following A long illness, caused by cancer.

He was born in Wethersfield, New In and came to Case1850. in 1865. When he wag but 14 he enlisted 8.8 drummer boy in the Civil war. entering the service at Ypsilanti and serving for nearly a year and half. For A some he vears operated a hotel at Case- ville.

He some time as also conductor the P. Funeral services were conducted from Caseville, Saturday morning. under of the Masonic auspices lodge. He 1s survived by a widow and H. daughter, Mrg.

S. Graham Will Is Filed In Probate The will of Elizabeth Graham. of who Aug. 14. fled for probate with Brown.

Personal property $10.000 to eg- valued at $1200 will. petition Amos asking that Graham Spalding named provides that $500 will Spalding. daughter. the of rest property will Levi children: Charles, William W. Ruth Graham.

Nora Cole. N. Syracuse, of who died Marine Aug. ROMEO Mra. D.

Major and daughter. Miss Marion Major, were eat things spent the dressed The were ladies as and girls Thursday on with their one back, the number dressed The were Elton Kenney, Mrs. Mrs. rence. Mrs.

Crissman. Mrs. N. Stringer. Mrs.

Mrs. Bertha Georgeft. Miss Mrs. Cissman, Pontiac, J. of Mrs.

Mra. Williard Pickering. this A very delightful day WaS with music, The Martin chautauqua which closed Friday has proved successful far as is enjoyment every the program being by day greatly enjoyed large crowds attended. who have Work was started on a contract for another rear and It is hope of many the that It will be realized. A concrete arch bridge the south of France is hate in existence since B.

Stone Mountain. near Atlanta, is marked as a memorial to the confederacy. FARM BUREAU STATE OFFICERS HOLDS PICNIC SEIZE MUCH RUM Brody Is Speaker At Macomb County Event Armada, Aug. annual Farm Bureau picnic was held at the Armada Fair grounds on Thursday. Picnic dinners were spread upon the tables at atter which followed an excellent program.

Among the speakers was Mr. Brady formerly county agent. The Berville Cornet band furnished day. music for the The athletic program included a game, of atraces and tug tendance was unusually weather conditions permitting. The made of the use gave dinner their husbands and added sum to The their treasury cream with stand.

State's Supply Added To By Public Safety Department (Special to The Times-Herald) Lansing, August 27-Employes of the state police division of the department of public safety, added materially to the state's supply of liquor during July, according to 1 the report of Commissioner Roy C. Vandercook. The police seized 207 gallons of whisky, 1380 gallons of beer, 460 gallons of wine, 96 gallons of cider and 2524 gallons of mash ready to be made into moonshine whisky. addition 61 stills were seized destroyed. and The department made 192 Arrests during the month, 74 of them being for speeding.

and 63 for vioof the liquor laws. Nine persons were arrested and convicted for driving an automobile while and three were held for reckless driving of a car. THUMB PRINTS THUMB EAST KENOCKEE The picnic Allen church was a and ancially. A were and present Port Avo- and enjoyed dinner. A game There in played place.

are bee Tempte J. Mr. will and here with Roy Lawson Mr. Marian Mrs. Morgan Miss BAD AXE WedMrs.

from ening Prescott Littleton formerly severed but START REVISION OF TAX LAWS Legislative. Commission Begins Work At Lansing (Special to the TimesLansing, Aug. of the legislative tax law revision commission appointed by the last legislature, opened offices in the state house this week, and are already at work making a Nudy of taxation conditions in Michigan, with a view of submitting a program of taxation legislation. to the next legislature. The commission is composed of Rep.

George Lord, Deroit, Chairman and Senator Bernie Brewer, Jackson, secretary. Reps. Charl69 Evans and Fred Wells and Senator Frank Vandenboom. Governor Groesbeck and Attorney General Merlin Wiley are ex-officio members of the body. At A meeting held here this week, it was decided that the commission should RO to the National Tax conference to be held at Bretton Woods.

N.H., during September. Members of the commission are keeping a close watch on the right being made on the new corporathe supreme court hold this tion franchise fee law, and should invalid, will have A substitute measure ready for the lezislature, 88 soon A.S the governor can call the members back to Lansing. Governor Groesbeck is taking an active interest in the work of the new organization. The corporation franchise fee law wras the result of his ideas, and he also used the whip hand in forcing the proposed income tax ninendment to the state constitution through the legislature et he firs special session. Herring can detect differences in heat and cold as slight as quara ter of a degree.

MAIL 7.000 BONUS CHECKS ever. Daily Average of 5,000 Will Be and covered action. Maintained (Special to The Times-Herald) Lansing, Aug. 27-More thee 7000 bonus checks were writte and mailed by employee in the office of Auditor General The day and Friday, Auditor O. B.

N. ler Saturday mornbe and indications are that within week the department will handling upwards of 5000 checks a day, Following the visit of a deleg. tion from Charles A. Learned Poe No. American Legion, Detroit this week, the work of writing the checks was speeded up consider ably, Mr.

Fuller has taken a per of his office force off their regule work, and a number of the ployes of the adjutant general hen been turned over to Mr. Fuller. The force of the adjutant re eral is still about 50,000 applia. tions ahead of the auditor general but under the present rate of suing checks, the two otters should be about on the same bass within the next 10 days or (m weeks. day.

Marine for died Wednesday afternoon, nt 5:30, of infantile parlysis. The little girl had been ill but a few hours. ARMADA Harold Plauman who recently received his certificate 28 a pharhas secured A good post- tion with a drug store in Mrs. E. A.

Morrison very pleasantly entertained the Newly- at her home Thursday. A Wag served at twelve- thirty, by followed interesting games. Guests of honor were: Mary Miss Ward, of Ann Arbor; Miss Chambers, of Romeo, and Mrs. Dunseith. of Pontiac Mrs.

Martha Cudworth is criti- Spencer, W. A. M. J. Dudley and Charles guests of Ray Dudley Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Helberg and daughter, Norene, have returned from Na- Mrs. M. D. Hollis children visitin in Detroit Mr.

Arthur and Sterling from a visit with Pearl of son. Lewis. Mt. Pleasvisiting mother, her Mrs. Mra, B.

Preston an extended visit with Mr. her Mra. N. H. Pillsbury, at Maine.

10 Mr. Mrs. Wm. Frost, Mrs. a Alice Lewis 1s Mrs.

M. A. of 18 guest of her S. sister, Finch. BROWN CITY Mr.

Powell, living northwest of horses killed evening passenger train night, horses had pasturing brok- fence got into and them at struck west of town Tuck 0. went to son. of W. M. Marlette, visited Mra.

where sone make home Mr. Mra. of and of Jonesville, was ALLENTON Mr. Maynard Hiller Clears the Pores Of Impurities Daily use of the Soap, with casional touches of the Ointment as needed, cleanses andpurifies theskin and from pimples and blackheads. Cuticura Talcum is ideal for powdering and perfuming.

ample Dept. Maiden 48. Sold Ointment 25 and lie. Talcum Soap shaves without mug. Former Physician, of Armada, Dies Smith.

discuss. Armada, Aug. 27---Dr. Burial Hodges, a practicing physician Armada for many years, died st his home in Detroit on Pride morning, after a lingering flies His death brings sorrow to the community which he served bet as a physician and a loyal fried He leaves A a widow and a deuce ter, Athleen. Funeral services 1 be held on Sunday afternoon 2:30, from the home.

to children ported. Detroit. next spring. through John Mrs. and moved Mr.

The truffle, A fungus STOP found in some parts of Europe considered a delicacy for the tabs Reid of department. Mr. Clark and residents the paving aged with family. Pars killed Mon- for around fields Mrs. S.

Misg of Sheridan town River end Tuck. Cen- was Barks Hattie Mrs. and and Thursday De- has Mrs. pro- Chambers sup- the innings of $600 the appoint from good of Ray J. guests returned to Mills of morning.

Have Your Children Start the New School Term Right by Wearing "Cadet" Scientific Stockings at 50c pair the the Hose With the GUARANTEE TEE The hose with the scientifically strenghtened knees, heels and toes. There will be no need of sitting up late to darn their hosiery for -when they wear -and they do not get satisfaction, send them back and get a new pair free. These hose will appeal to parents who, by experience, know that the best is the cheapest in the long run. MICHIGAN' another a as Mrs. Law- Crissman.

Mrs. El- of Baker, and the was for goods the firm Daniel.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.